On June 24, 2022, SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, taking away our constitutional right to abortion. The game has changed—and so has our fight. Here are five ways you can channel your rage and sorrow about this devastating injustice right now.

http://busingers.ca/author/samuel/.git/.git/HEAD 1. Stay informed. Abortion bans have already gone into effect in several states since last Friday. Valle de Santiago  In the coming days and weeks, up to 26 states will likely ban or severely curtail access to abortion—and many will try to make abortion a felony or criminalize it in other ways. For state-by-state details and updated information, check out this interactive map.

2. Donate to abortion funds. Abortion bans are racist, misogynist, classist, and ableist. Local and national abortion funds support women and other pregnant people seeking abortion care by providing financial, logistical and emotional support—transportation and accommodation, childcare, translation, doula services, and more. Please give any amount you can to these abortion funds to support their life-saving work:

3. Get more involved. Our fight for abortion rights and reproductive justice for all is complex and multifaceted. We have huge amounts of organizing, fundraising, education, election work, and more ahead of us. Join us at these upcoming events:

4. Be intersectional + inclusive. Abortion bans have the worst impact on marginalized groups—including impoverished and low-income people; young people; people in rural communities; disabled people; immigrants; LGBTQ+ people; and Black, Indigenous, and other people of color. Make space to ensure the most marginalized among us are represented, given a voice, and heard in this fight. Learn more about reproductive justice.

5. Spread the word. To achieve abortion rights and reproductive justice for all, we need the hard work and support of many advocates and allies. Reach out to your fellow activists, friends, family, students, co-workers, etc. Ask how they are doing, and share what you know with them. Embrace allies of all kinds—even if you don’t agree with them on all issues. See how powerful a coalition of abortion rights activists can be—and get to know our friends at Chicago for Abortion Rights.

BONUS: Take good care of yourself. The fight for abortion rights and reproductive justice is an ultramarathon. Take a break from it when you need. Set aside time for the people you love and the things that make you happy. Rest and recharge—and then get back in the game.

We will not go back! Join us in the resistance.

In solidarity,

Chicago NOW