Senate Judiciary Committee approves Kagan nomination

buy modafinil without prescription On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan, setting up a final confirmation vote by the Senate. Kagan would become the nation’s fourth female Supreme Court justice. The final confirmation vote is expected to take place before the Senate departs for its August recess. If approved, Kagan will fill the seat of retiring Justice John Paul Stevens and become the 112th person to join the high court.

For more information check out CNN’s coverage of Kagan’s nomination here.

Sonia Sotomayor Confirmed!

Judge Sonia Sotomayor won U.S. Senate approval on Thursday to become the first Hispanic on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Democratic-led Senate voted largely along party lines, 68-31, to approve President Barack Obama’s nomination of Sotomayor for the lifetime appointment on the highest U.S. court.

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